RR Press

Berdon Kirksaether


Folk World on Berdon Kirksaether's album "Ray Of Light"

From FolkWorld, issue 56, March 2015:
"This record has been out a while, but I am happy to have given it a listen. It is from a Norwegian composer/guitarist. At first, the quality was evident and I thought he might go into a new age direction. But as the record went on, he brought in an array of styles into the songs keeping things not quite rooted in any genre. At times it will sound new age, at others like an intriguing soundtrack, while occasionally flashing roots moves. The guitar work is excellent and it is an interesting album. - © David Hintz"


Steve Hackett on "Ray Of Light"

Steve Hackett, famous guitar player (ex Genesis) sent us an email regarding Berdon Kirksaether's album "Ray of Light". Steve said "I enjoyed Berdon's playing and
found the album very atmospheric."

Berdon Kirksaether interviewed at mwe3.com (US)

Berdon was recently interviewed on mwe3.com (US). You can read the full story here: mwe3 interview bk